
americanada was developed during 1999 by friends and co-theorists Charles "Chaz" Cook and Matthew Snyder. The two first contemplated the americanadian future during the intriguing Chemistry class of Mr. Andrews in Howland High School.  Under this theory, two great nations of Canada and the United States of America would merge to form the ultimate world super power that would dominate the world.  At first, the two conceived of the idea by thinking of the power of the U.S. and the few things that this nation lacked- the same things that Canada could supply, (i.e. premium beer, awesome hockey, mounties, lacrosse, etc . . .)  Therefore, Snyder began to think . .  .What would happen if the two North American countries were to combine? This hypothetical proposal immediately sparked intrigue into both Cook and Snyder, who immediately began to develop a name for this ideological nation. Can-America was the first proposal, however this was soon dispelled and replaced by Snyder's discovery that the last letters in the name America were the first letters in the name Canada. Thus, Snyder thought of combining the two names, forming americanada.  But the naming was not complete, for discrepancies were developed over the correct and best pronunciation of this newly found name.  Of course the word was not in the dictionary, so the two were force to develop their own pronunciation.  At first, the pronunciation was proposed to be (am-er-I-`ca-na-da) essentially Ameri- followed by the regular pronunciation of Canada. However, Snyder soon created an alternate pronunciation that was believed to be far superior. This pronunciation would be (am-er-I-ca-`na-da) with the accent on the "na" syllable, or essentially the word of America followed by the sound of the Spanish word "nada." This sounded much superior (in other words "cooler")as it resonated off the tip of one's tongue.

Later the next year americanada took a giant step in becoming a legitimate theory as Cook and Snyder prepared to take their ideas to a local Student Congress [a National Fornesic League Speech Event]. Before that time, little was done for americanada in helping it to grow as a serious thoery. However, in order to make a piece of legislation for americanada in the Student Congress, the two needed to put down on paper some serious reasons for the potential merger of the two countries. Therefore, the theorists finally developed the first version of the americanadian resolution which was sent to the Final Congress held at Howland High School in Warren, Ohio. [To see how it fared at the congress, go to the Congress page link at the bottom of this page] After this, americanada slowly began to gain speed and momentum among the masses. Snyder, who was taking a Hypermedia Computer course as a Senior in high school, used Cook's maple leaf creation to spawn the first americanadian symbol. Later, as the course required the construction of a web page, Snyder naturally chose to use this time towards the furthering of the americanadian spirit. Thus, the first americanadian web pages were born. For this site Snyder created more symbols, ensignias, banners etc . . . and even made the first models of potential americanadian flags [which can be seen on the fourth page- just follow the links.] Finally, the co-theorsits with the help of Mr. Santino Lamancusa made the first americanadian t-shirts that we hope to reproduce and sell at a later date.

On March 2-3rd, 2001 both Snyder and fellow theorist, Charles Cook traveled to the 74th annual States final tournament of Ohio held in Boardman, Ohio.  During this event, along with quality, nostalgic speech competition, we encountered some small, yet great advancements for americanada.  At this tournament, a man known only as his title, "Button Man" was there selling custom made buttons for a small fee depending on the size of the button.  This presented an excellent opportunity for theorists to make and spread propaganda for americanada.  They made several different buttons with the americanadian logo.  In addition to the great pins that were made, the two theorists made some great friends who loved and actually helped the country of americanada. First, the slogan of americanada was amended to be 'tis the future, eh?! This added "eh?!" was made by a fellow speech member from another school in Ohio.  I do not know her name, however both myself and Sir Cook certainly thank her for her incite and help for americanada. Furthermore, going under consideration is the establishment of a national holiday for americanada: No-Pachyderm Day.  This again was proposed by another speech member who wore an anti-pachyderm button and stated that we should all be very happy and grateful that we are not being stampeded by elephants in our everyday lives.  I totally agree that the lack of stampeding pachyderms is something to very grateful for.  However, it is doubtful whether this will actually be implemented.  As we establish such a great nation as americanada, I am uncertain whether supporting a holiday which seems so derogatory to a great animal would be very prudent.  Although I am certainly grateful for not being stampeded by elephants, I do not want to be totally anti-pachyderm, for I do not see a reason to hate or despise this wonderful animal.

Next on the week of July 14th to the 21st myself, Snyder, journeyed to the Land of a Thousand Lakes in Minnesota where I met some exuberant young supporters who took a liking to the americanadian theory. Several young women from Colorado, Wisconsin, and Montana became official americanadians and thereby helped to spread the theories to uncharted territories. In addition, Lydian from Colorado has promised to spread the americanadian theory to her friend who has connections in Canada. This would be a great step for americanada to finally reach across the border and spread the word to our northerly neighbors. Stay tuned for future updates.

UPDATE!!!!!!:  On the glorious day of Friday July 27th Mr. Snyder and Cook travelled to a local "Chalk on the Walk" to spread the americanadian propaganda and draw americanadian symbols with chalk on the sidewalk. The two theorists were thoroughly upstaged by fine artists such as Ms. Maria Amicucci who won second place in her division, but it was a succesful journey as several pedestrians took interest in the theory. Particularly helpful and extremely cordial, Dr. Amicucci assisted the theorists by distributing pamphlets/brochures and was even kind enough to purchase some water for the hardworking lads of Snyder and Cook. On a more disconcerting note, Snyder and Cook encountered a very disgruntled Ronald McDonald who wouldn't even stop to receive a resolution being handed out by the theorists. Other than that, however, the day was a fine one for americanada. Snyder and Cook would also like to thank Mr. Jonny Sager for being a loyal and faithful friend by abusing his office privileges to print off more resolutions. Thank you all.


ameriPage 2

ameriClick here to See The Quasi-Official americanadian Resolution

page done by theorist Matt Snyder

If you would like to contact the theorists, please send any comments, questions, or suggestions to

Last updated July 27, 2001.