
An official americanadian Mountie       

A few other interesting facts about americanada:

1. Recently, in city of Boardman, Ohio, Co-theroist Cook and good friend Mike Parish proposed the awesome americanadian theory to local Representative, TIM RYAN.  In their brief, yet very meaningful conversation, Ryan said that the theory was interesting, but he would have to see some supporting text  about the nation before he could support it. Well, this site is the beginning of the development of solid text detailing the assets of the merger.

2. Currently, America has 274, 028, 000 total people while poor Canada has only around 30,000,000 people.  This would give americanada a total of 304,528,000 people.  This number would still be very, very small in comparison to the most densely populated countries such as China which has 1,255,698,000 people.  

But remember, americanada would still have the greatest land mass.  Thus, the nation would be much less densely populated, allowing ample room for personal space as well as possible immigration.  In short, americanadians would live in luxury with all of the land at their personal access.

This could also help to ease the problems of illegal immigration as there would now be plenty of room for Mexicans to cross the border and start a life in Canada.


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